All patients are screened for COVID-19.
- Prior to surgery, all patients are tested for COVID-19.
- Staff wears N-95 masks and gloves.
- All rooms are wiped down with germicidal wipes.
COVID-19 also known as Corona virus has placed a strain on hospitals throughout the country as well as our entire health care system.
Currently, elective surgery protocols have changed since the COVID-19 crisis. In order to meet the recommended COVID-19 guidelines surgeons must adapt to this ever-changing environment.
Prior to scheduling surgery, our surgeons determine the risk of whether the patient may either have been infected or exposed to COVID-19. The process starts with an interview over the phone.
COVID-19 Questionnaire
- Have you or a close contact traveled outside of the U.S. or Canada in the last 30 days?
- Have you had a fever greater than 100.4° F in the past three days?
- Have you had a new rash in the past three days?
- Do you have a cough or shortness of breath?
- Have you been in close proximity with a confirmed patient or a patient under investigation of Corona virus within the past 14 days?
- Have you traveled to a geographic area with widespread cases of corona virus in the past 14 days?
Patients who are either suspected of having or have been exposed to COVID-19 have their elective surgery postponed. Patients are tested for the COVID-19 virus prior to all elective surgery. If the patient is symptomatic for COVID-19 we postpone the surgery for an additional 14 days past the resolution of their symptoms; they are referred to their primary care physician for evaluation.
Patients must wear masks at all times. Visitors accompanying patients are asked not to enter our facility but rather to wait in their car. On entering the facility, the patients have their temperature taken. If they are febrile, they are immediately referred to their primary care physician and their appointment and/or surgery is postponed.
Currently it takes more time and requires additional expenses to treat patients during the COVID-19 crisis. It is important to protect our patients and staff by being vigilant.